10 things to be happy and grateful about
On June 15, 2022 by marghevivianiAll of us have our ups and downs. To be frankly, right now I am not living my best moment. I can even say that is the hardest period of my entire life. And is very easy to fall into complaining, and seeing only negativities around, and even became less joyful. But once you become less happy and less satisfied, it will be harder to get yourself up from tuff moments. Plus we might start forgetting the simple joys, and things that make us happy as time passing. So, I think to be contented we must be not only physically happy, but we have to be also mentally happy. Here help or “stop finally thinking”, or positive thinking.
This is a small exercise, just for everyone. The moment you feel yourself down, just take a notebook, of your phone’s notes and write down 10 things that makes you happy and thankful. Even if you already feel great, do this exercise from time to time, to not forget the simple joys.
Here is my list for today:
1. To wake-up every morning
2. To wake-up under a roof every morning
3. To drink clean water every day
4. Having a job you love
5. Having people (or at least one person) who loves you
6. Listening to you favorite song
7. Relaxing with a good book
8. Taking a mental health day
9. Having a possibility to improve yourself
10. Living everyday of your life to your fullest potential
Do you know that also feeling contented depends by what we consume everyday? We must try to feed our body and the mind only with energy of peace and joy. You can find out more in this post Sattvic diet and what is Sattva.
And what makes you happy? Please feel free to share your list of things that make you happy and satisfied. I am curious to know 😉 Leave you comment below or contact me here.
The last thing, not long time ago I published my own guide, called “Being Whole” – Mastering Your Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Health. You can find more information and purchase it for only $7 here. I would be very happy if you can support me by purchasing this guide and sharing your feedback.
With love,
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