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Have you heard about Ayurveda?

Today I would like to introduce to you Ayurveda – ancient Indian medical science. You will find me talking a lot about it in future posts. I discovered Ayurveda when I was 19, at the same moment when I started practicing yoga, as I found after this two go ever together. At that period I was suffering from very bad skin problems, such as eczema and psoriasis. I visited all the best dermatologists in my city, and each of them was making me a new diagnosis and giving me a new medicine. But no one was working, but only calming my symptoms. And I tried to dig deeper to find a real problem inside of my body, as the skin is a mirror of what is going on inside of you. Here, Ayurveda helped me to never again see these skin troubles, and I use Ayurveda in everyday life since then. In this post I use help of one of my favourite book Practical Ayurveda by Swami Sivananda. Read also Sattvic diet and what is Sattva. This post may contain affiliate links, which means that I may receive a commission if you make a purchase using these links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Meaning of Ayurveda Ayurveda from Sanskrit means “science of life” and is comprised of a vast body of information about healthy living and treating disease. It covers areas of medicine that range from psychology to surgery, and pediatrics to geriatrics. Originally passed on through word of mouth, Ayurvedic knowledge was eventually written down in the ancient Indian language Sanskrit. Charaka, Sushruta, and Vagbhata are the authors of the three main classical Ayurvedic scriptures. Ayurveda and yoga Ayurveda and yoga are two sisters sciences that both come from the same philosophy. However, Ayurveda focuses primarily on the goal of dharma (living the right way), while yoga focuses primarily on the goal of moksha (enlightenment). Both are practical systems with a holistic perspective – people are seen as beings with a unified body, mind, and consciousness. Ayurveda is the knowledge of happy and unhappy, a good and a bad life, and that which contributes to those four aspects.” Charaka Ayurveda and the body There are four aspects of the body that need to be kept in balance in order to maintain good health – these are the doshas, the dhatus, malas, and agni. Doshas (energies) The three doshas are energies present within the body and mind. Maintaining the balance of each dosha allows the body systems to work effectively. Malas (waste) The body’s excretions – urine, stool and sweat – are called malas. passing them in a timely manner helps keep the body balanced, as otherwise they build up and can cause disease. Dhatus (tissues) The seven dhatus are the tissues that make up the body’s physical form. Healthy dhatus allow the body to produce ojas, a form of energy that helps the body support prana (vital energy) and protects the tissues from damage. Agni (fire) The main form of agni is the body’s digestive fire. Healthy agni allows food to be digested so that strong tissues can be formed. It also prevents the build-up of ama, undigested food that acts as a toxin and leads to disease. The three Doshas The doshas are energies that pervade the body and mind, each with different functions. All of the doshas can be found in everybody, but different people have more of some doshas that others – this determines a person’s constitution. Vata dosha – wind & ether The vata constitution is predominantly characterised by movement. The vata mind is sensitive and creative. This leads to a slender build and active body functions, such as quick speech. The Vata mind The Vata body Pitta dosha – fire & water Clarity and heat characterise the pitta mind and body. This leads to an ambitious mind with a sharp intellect, and an athletic build with intense body functions, such as an active metabolism. The Pitta mind The Pitta body Kapha Dosha – earth & water The Kapha mind The Kapha body Here you can take your Dosha quiz to find out which dosha you have predominated. I also suggest you to read SATTVIC DIET AND WHAT IS SATTVA. Please let me know in the comments below which Dosha you are, I am curious to know 🙂 Me for example Vata and my husband is Pitta. In next posts I will talk more about each dosha and its recommendations. I have to stop for today 😉 Let’s stay in touch! Follow up my Instagram here and feel free to ask me any question. Yours Marghe Read More