Tag: relaxing

How to *Actually* rest and get maximum benefits

Even though you love your work, and you think there is no time for rest, everyone has to find time to calm their mind and body. But many people mistake the meaning of “resting” and “chilling”. They are not the same. But also is not the same thing to take a break for a cigarette and spend the evening drinking wine and watching TV. The last one is more confusing your mind and improving your bad habits. In this post, I wanna talk about how to rest in general, but more importantly how to *actually* rest and get maximum benefits from it. Read also 17 ways to avoid Burnouts and be happier. 11 ways to rest How to recover your energy properly while resting Easy, chose one of the practices from the list above, and try to be present. Try to be involved in what you are doing right now as if you are doing everything in a mindful state. This means being aware of what you are doing and thinking. Otherwise, it would be something like: Practicing Yoga but always checking your phone or thinking of tasks you have to finish after the practice. That’s not ok. Just live life in its full colors. Read moreYoga during pregnancy for normal deliveryIf you feel tired, take a rest in a proper way. Otherwise, you won’t recover your energy, your creativity, and your happiness from what you are doing. And please, don’t seek calming effects from drugs, tobacco, and alcohol, they have the opposite effect after all. It will only make you forget the reality for a while, but it is not a solution. Takeaway Please remember to take care of your mental and physical health. Feel free to comment below or contact me to discuss your way of quality relaxation 🙂 Hope you find this post useful. Read more17 Ways to avoid burnouts and be happierSubscribe to the newsletter or follow my Instagram to stay in touch! Yours, Marghe Read More